Happy National Flag Day 2022 USA

Happy National Flag Day 2022 USA! Hello, Guy welcome to our website where we are Explaining to you about National Flag Day 2022. These Year, 14th of June the United States people also Celebrate National Flag Day 2022. History of National Flag Day is On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress passed a resolution adopting a flag for our new Nation the United States of America.
While the Fourth of July has become an all-around celebration of US life, National Flag Day has kept more of a local character, with traditions rooted. Celebrating the selection of the first American flag back in 1777, President Wilson signs off on establishing June 14 of each year as Flag Day. July 4, 1960.
Are you Ready to Celebrate National Flag Day 2022 USA? Don’t Worry. It’s the Right Content for you to also Collect about Happy National Flag Day 2022 Wishes, Messages, Greetings, Images, and more. Just Reading the full Content and also Collecting details
Why do we celebrate Flag Day?
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States on June 14, 1777, by the resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
National Flag Day 2022 Wishes
- Our flag is our pride and we shall always protect its dignity. – Happy National Flag Day!
- A flag is not a mere cloth, it represents our country and hence represents us.
- We will always feel proud of our own country and our own flag whenever we see it amongst the flags of other countries.
- If you love your country, you should love and respect the national flag of your country too. – Happy Flag Day!
- A nation is represented by its flag and so a flag holds a very high position.
- The national flag of your country will always stir your emotions and give rise to patriotism in you.
- The flag of a country is the country’s biggest asset and it should always be respected. – Happy Flag Day!
- Flag Day is a reminder that we all are Americans. We all must be very proud of our country, of our culture, of
- our flag which fills our hearts with pride. – Happy Flag Day!
- Happy Flag Day to each and every American. It is a proud day for us and we must celebrate it with zeal!
- Everyone should at least try to get knowledge about the flag of the country they belong to.
- Hold the national flag of your country as high as you hold your opinion of yourself. – Happy Flag Day!!
National Flag Day Quotes 2022
1. The American flag is the most recognized symbol of freedom and democracy in the world. – Virginia Foxx
2. The American flag is the symbol of our freedom, national pride, and history. – Mike Fitzpatrick
3. The American flag represents all of us and all the values we hold sacred. – Adrian Cronauer
4. Our flag is our national ensign, pure and simple, behold it! Listen to it! Every star has a tongue, every stripe is articulate. – Sen. Robert Winthrop
5. This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. – Elmer Davis
6. The American flag, Old Glory, standing tall and flying free over American soil for 228 years is the symbol of our beloved country. It is recognized from near and afar, and many lives have been lost defending it. – Jeff Miller
7. I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty, and freedom. – John Thune
8. A thoughtful mind, when it sees a Nation’s flag, sees not the flag only, but the Nation itself. – Henry Ward Beecher
9. Today we celebrate Flag Day, the birthday of our Stars and Stripes. – Ronald Reagan
10. When we honor our flag we honor what we stand for as a Nation — freedom, equality, justice, and hope. – Ronald Reagan
11. It is the flag just as much of the man who was naturalized yesterday as of the men whose people have been here many generations. – Henry Cabot Lodge
12. Our flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation’s founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America’s storied history, the Stars and Stripes represent the very best of this nation. – Joe Barton
National Flag Day Wishes, Messages & Greetings
19. A nation is represented by its flag and so a flag holds a very high position.
20. The national flag of your country will always stir your emotions and give rise to patriotism in you.
21. The flag of a country is the country’s biggest asset and it should always be respected.
22. Flag Day is the reminder that we all are Americans. We all must be very proud of our country, of our culture, of our flag which fills our hearts with pride. – Happy Flag Day!
23. Happy Flag Day to each and every American. It is a proud day for us and we must celebrate it with zeal!
24. Everyone should at least try to get knowledge about the flag of the country they belong to.
25. Hold the national flag of your country as high as you hold your opinion of yourself.
26. Every flag has a history that deserves to be heard.
Our flag unites all the Americans and is a symbol of freedom which we respect very much. We must share flag day quotes and wishes with others to be proud of our flag and to make others aware of it. Happy Flag Day!