celebration day

Ashura 2024: Best Wishes, Quotes, Greeting, Saying, Image, Pic

Ashura 2024: Wishes, Quotes, Greeting, Saying, Image, Pic! Great time today that we share with you about Ashura 2024. It is the Biggest Celebration Day in the World. The Celebration Day mostly Celebrates all the Muslims Countries. A large number Of people are successfully Celebrating Happy Ashura 2024. Ashura 2024 will begin on the evening of Wednesday, July 30, and ends on the evening of Thursday, August 7.

According to Wikipedia, Ashura is the tenth day of Muharram, the first month in the Islamic calendar. For Sunni Muslims, Ashura marks the day that Musa and the Israelites were saved from Pharaoh by God creating a path in the Sea.

Do you want to Celebrate Ashura 2024? Don’t worry. Here is the Content we successfully share with you about Ashura 2024 Wishes, Quotes, Greeting, Saying, Images, Pic. Just Reading the full Content and Collect Details

What is Ashura and why it is celebrated?

Ashura is a holy day for Muslims all over the world, celebrated on the 10th day of Muharram, according to the Islamic calendar. For the Sunnis, Ashura is the day Moses fasted to show his gratitude for the freedom of the Israelites.

Ashura 2024 Wishes, SMS, Messages & Quotes

“May all the praises and thanks be to Allah. To whom belongs all that is in heavens & in the Earth. Have a blessed Muharram!”

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘The best of fasting after Ramadhan is fasting Allah’s month of Muharram.” (Sahih Muslim)

“The day of Ashura is the day of remembering victory of truth over falsehood, fasting, repentance, and doing good deeds.”


”Those who worship God for the hope of gaining, they’re not real worshipers, they’re merchants. Those who worship God out of fear ( of punishment ), they’re slaves. And those who worship God to be grateful towards their creator, are the free people, and their worship is a real one. ”

Day of Ashura 2024 SMS

“Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth”

“The most generous person is the one who offers help to those who do not expect him to help”

“Whoever seeks the satisfaction of people through disobedience of God; Then God subjects him to people”

“To me, death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants is nothing but living in hell”

Ashura Messages 2024

”Among the signs of a learned man is criticizing his own words and being informed of various viewpoints.”

”Being thankful for the grace of God makes God reward you with another grace.”

”Best of wealth is that with which one protects his fame and dignity.”

”When you are frustrated and do not know a way out, only flexibility and moderation towards difficulties will save you.”

Ashura 2021

”Avoid doing what you might later be asked to apologize for it! Because the believer does not harm and does not ask for an apology, while the hypocrite always harms and apologizes. ”

Day of Ashura Wishes 2024

“The day of Ashura is the day of remembering victory of truth over falsehood, fasting, repentance and doing good deeds.”

“Don’t you see that the truth is not followed and the falsehood is not discouraged? So that a Believer wishes to meet Allah [to die] and to me, death is nothing but prosperity, and living with tyrants is nothing but disgust and disgrace.” -Imam Hussain (PBUH): References: Tohaf Al-Uqoul, P.245 and Hilyatul Awliyaa, V.2, P.39

“May all the praises and thanks be to Allah. To whom belongs all that is in heavens & in the Earth. Have a blessed Muharram!”

“Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred.. ” (Surah At-Tawbah, Verse 36)

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: ‘The best of fasting after Ramadhan is fasting Allah’s month of Muharram.” (Sahih Muslim)

Day of Ashura Quotes

“Ashura is the day when Allah saved Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) from pharaoh and indeed it is a big day and we should fast on the day of Ashura.”

“The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: ‘The best of fasting after Ramadhan is fasting Allah’s month of Muharram.”

“May Allah accept our fast on the day of Ashura and forgive the sins for the year that went before.”

“Ashura is the day in which truth prevailed over falsehood. Prophet Musa, (Peace Be Upon Him) crossed the sea while Pharaoh drowned. The truth will always prevail.”

“It is sunnah to fast on the day of Ashura so do not forget to fast on the day of Ashura.”

“Fasting on the day of Ashura expiates the sins of the previous year.”

“Fasting on the day of Ashura (the tenth day) is highly recommended. It would be better if you fast a day before it and after it as well along with Ashura.”

“May Allah accept the deeds of those fasting on the blessed day of Ashura and may Allah give another chance to those who couldn’t.” – Sheekh Shibli

Finally, we hope that you have successfully Understood the Ashura 2024 full Concepts. Do you have any questions about Ashura 2024, just comment here? We solve your problem as soon as possible. Thanks for staying with us.

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